The Ivy Leagues

a journey of faith, love and much HOPE

The Journey Continues…

on July 14, 2013

WoW!!! Ivy’s influence and story continues on! That girl has impacted us for life, and for that matter many others as well! Can’t wait to see the extent of how God uses our beautiful, baby girl!

We have decided that Nathan is going back to school in January to study to become an ultrasound technician. All that we have been through in the recent months regarding our daughter, Ivy, has unraveled this passion in Nathan’s heart to work as a tech to be able to be a help to those who may encounter similar circumstances that we were faced with. We also have a strong desire to be able to volunteer my services at crisis pregnancy centers.

In order to fulfill this new-found passion, it means we must sell our house and relocate to Memphis, TN-For many reasons including cost of living, equity in our house, and proximity to Rachel’s family in northern, MS. Our house is currently on the market. Our plan is to move once it sells. We don’t know when that will happen, but we anticipate a quick sale. (Ideally, we are hoping to be in TN by late August/early September) I encourage all of you to continue in prayer for our family! You have been such an encouragement to us. We are sad to go, but also excited in this new-found direction for our family. Please pray for us as we embark on this journey. We want to make an impact on people’s lives, especially for the sake of Jesus. We welcome all questions you may have, we may or may not have answers at this time 🙂 Thank you all again for your support and love.

One day we will look back with our sweet Ivy, and be able to enjoy together all that God has done through our journey! The Journey continues for our family, and we will keep you posted!

God goes before us and we trust in Him!


7 responses to “The Journey Continues…

  1. Rebecca Kelly says:

    Being in the medical field myself as a nurse I can say, that is a wonderful choice for you Nathan. Everyday I thank God for directing me into the field of nursing. The sense of joy, compassion and pleasure of helping others in their time of need is beyond my wildest dreams. I wish you all the success, joy and happiness in your new journey. You will make a wonderful ultrasound technician. Prayers for you and your family. God bless you all!

    The Kelly Family,
    Ed, Rebecca, Hannah and Duncan
    Merrimack, NH

  2. Linda Sowry says:

    That’s wonderful Rachel and Nathan! I’ve thought about the whole ultrasound technician avenue, but don’t know about money for school. I’m very excited about this all for you! God bless you all and continue to use you for His glory!

  3. Michelle Hontz says:

    Maybe it’s just a common thing for musicians to go into the medical field after they’ve gotten all the arts based classes (and not many sciences) under their belt:) Timothy is enjoying micro biology and chemistry this summer. He’s hoping to start the PA program in January but is on the wait list as of now. So we will remember to pray for your family as you make this transition, especially since we’re right there with you guys. Since you are coming south we’d love to catch up with you if you end up near Beckley WV! Excited to see what God has for you!

  4. Amy says:

    😦 for us but Happy for y’all.

  5. Cindy Bullock says:

    We look forward to seeing you in Memphis! I know a good church for your family! 🙂

  6. Elizabeth Byler Younts says:

    So amazed the witness of your faithfulness & God’s goodness.

  7. Julie Hipke says:

    Go with God Stecchi family… Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It has changed my perspective on many things. We wish you Godspeed as you travel down this new road of your own Spirit-led-great-adventure.
    Love in Christ, Julie Hipke

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